Tuesday 15 December 2009

Lenka ticket used in video

This is the ticket used at the end of my music video. I used it to show that she was given a ticket to her own show. I used this idea, to show confusion in the music video, which is a theme through out and as she performs on stage, it is part of the show that she is given this ticket for.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Music poster research Kate Nash

Kate nash has gone for a simplistic poster, I have conituned the theme of changing the artist to contrast with the background. This is the poster I got my ideas from for my digipak. The poster is simple, but elegant, I wanted to continue this theme but add a playfulness to my poster to fit in with the artist and song.

Music poster research Lily Allen

I chose this as an example as I analysed Lily Allen's music video. Her poster has a retro theme showing the genre of her music. The poster has a pattern that covers the poster with the artist's name in bold quirky writing.

Digipak research 2

This digipak has gone for a vibrant and colourful theme, which promoted the artist in a different way according to the genre of music. The bold colours and font make the music stand out and show the quirky side of the artist, which is different to the digipak of Jennifer Lopez.
The artist still has a lot of eye contact with the camera, as there are a lot of close up shots of the artist eyes and different features of their faces. Although the digipak is bold, it has gone for a simple, but eyecatching look.

Digipak research 1

As I have to create my own digipak for my music video, I did some research into digipaks. This is one for a female solo artist Jennifer Lopez, her music is a different genre to my artist Lenka, but I like the contempory layout of her digipak and the pastal colours that have been used.
The font styles that have been used are simple and some what child like, which I think fits the theme of my artist, as the music is playful and I have continued this theme over to my digipak.
On all of the digipaks, include a bar code and copyright logos. I have used this digipak cover as an example to mine, to make sure I include all the relevant information. The artist has eye connection with the camera, which makes her connect with the audience. Her smile makes her seem inviting, reltable and a happy person, which promotes her music and her digipak.

Focus group

Class focus group

Interview with the talent

Storyboard animatic