Sunday 4 October 2009

Case study: Anton Corbijn

He started out as a photographer from the Netherlands for the NME, he took photographs of bands and singers and was then asked to direct a music video by Palias Schaumburg. His first video was Dr. Mabuse. Front 242 were impressed by Antons artwork and they asked him to shoot a 'headhunter' video, which due to his little understanding of the enlgish language, he understood as 'egghunter' which resulted in a very abstract video, that was a huge leap in his career. His videos became very abstract, by including 'a walking fat woman with wings' in the Nivana video. He became famous through the absract videos he created for varios bands. He understands the music and message and translates it into imagery.

Bernard (Joy Division) - 'A music video can be seen as a creative tool, rather than a promotion tool for record companies.'

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